Misinformation and Disinformation



About this site:

Slay. basically this site host is called neocities which is a play off of geocities, an old html site thing similar to myspace or something. its just a host thought i wrote this website myself :) i should not have used floats to make the columns tbh theres way easier ways but oopsie daisy. anyways this is on my personal neocities so if u go snooping theres more but Dont please its cringey. also depending on what browser you open this on it might look a little different and have a different font / scrollbar. it works best on chrome, as much as i hate chrome. i havent tested safari because ew and i havent tested opera either because double ew. also i am aware of the large amount of negative space in the site but personally i love it. it reminds me of like old tumblr blogs that only use 30% of the screen. like i could make some ugly google site copy but thats boring and i dont want to do that plus again its ugly. theres no backend in this because backend scares me and im not gonna learn backend for a project that 70% of the class didnt even do. i did try to make it pretty-ish though, before it was extremely ugly and the colours were just not good.... its still a little ugly though because im a coder not a graphic designer. if you cant tell this is me rambling about the website to fill up this space isnt it nice :) i didnt use a schedule for this project because its pretty simple and has 2 steps which are Code and Write so no schedule. i did make a small planner but just to organize my thoughts a little, i mostly went with the flow to keep myself motivated and give myself options for what i wanted to do on each day. um what else. I made icons and edited pictures in krita and stole all my pictures from google. i have a combination of like peer reviewed scholar level research papers and then random websites for sources gotta keep em guessing you feel. also somebody chose the same topic as me literally 5 days after i chose it so sorry about that but i was already 80% done when they told me. not very nice of them to do but oh well. if u read this far thats crazy you should give me like 100% that would be awesome... ill pay you haha just joking i dont support bribery..... or do i..... anyways i tried to ask if anybody else made a custom site or if it was just me but everyone was kinda ignoring me so i have actually no idea. itll be a surprise for presentation/share day. offtopic but tears of the kingdom looks so good. im replaying botw first to squeeze as much content out of zelda that i can but oh man. i blame zelda for my missing assignments also the fact that calculus is hard. 1 hour per question?? thats too long man i dont even like graphs. thi class is baller though def my favourite even though i still procrastinate and do everything last minute ahaha im writing this on the 30th... during another class... oops once again i blame zelda for taking up all my time also trying to apply for university classes and rez. why is it so complicated ive already talked to IT like 6 times.. and to think im going there for cognition and computation... might be in a pickle if they cant even make a functioning email software. okay um im done rambling ur freed frrom having to read this IF YOU EVEN DID you skimmed it didnt you thats not nice is it. i understand thought who wants to read a block of text not me lol